White Nights by Ann Cleeves

White Nights - Ann Cleeves

I can't really review this book as successfully as I'd like because I listened to the BBC radio dramatisation of it, which was significantly shorter than the actual book; it was only an hour long, whereas the unabridged audio recording was over ten hours. The reason I choose the radio dramatisation is quite simple, I really didn't like the narrator of the unabridged version much, and I didn't fancy spending ten plus hours with him! Plus, a radio play can be fun to listen to sometimes, and the extract I heard of it was promising. 


If you like murder mysteries you could spend an hour doing a lot worse as this was fun to listen to.


White Nights is part of the Shetland quartet, based in the Shetland Islands (of course!), and centered around the Detective Jimmy Perez.


In this edition a mysterious stranger is at attendance of a local art exhibition. At the end of this exhibition he claims not to know who is or where he's come from. When he turns up dead the following day, it's the job of Perez to untangle the mystery.


There were approximately three main voice actors, and maybe four or five supporting ones. This made for a great listening experience in consideration of the variety. There was no particular voice actor that stood out for me though, but that may be because I'm struggling to remember it clearly! That brings me to my final point...


It was a good enough story, but because it was so condensed it didn't have quite the same impact for me as a full length novel. I couldn't let my attention falter for a second either, or else I may have missed a crucial plot maneuver.


All-in-all though I would recommend it, especially if you have an hour to kill, you could do a lot worse.