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What an excellent chapter ending. I laughed for quite some time!
In 2004, on the 150th anniversary of the charge at Balaclava, the Daily Express ran a two-page spread with the glorious headline ‘Triumph of the Light Brigade’. It reported that Terry Brighton, curator of the Queen’s Royal Lancers regimental museum – descendants of the 17th Lancers who were in the vanguard of the charge – ‘rejects the notion that the charge was a failure. Instead he says that it was an amazing success’: ‘The brigade advanced down the valley in perfect formation despite being fired on by cannons to the front and on all sides,’ he said. ‘Many saw comrades to the right and left fall from the saddle and were splattered with the blood of horribly shattered men. Yet they not only reached the Russian guns and took a terrible revenge on the Cossack gunners, they then pursued the Russian cavalry behind the guns. This was not a charge that failed.’41 In 150 years’ time the same, no doubt, will be written of the amazing success of Brexit.