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Recovery: Freedom from Our Addictions - Russell Brand

My American friends probably don't know Russell Brand (apart from Char who watched his video that I shared on FB and sighed his petition! Thank you for doing that.), but he's a stand-up comedian, actor, writer and social activist. The establishment like to treat him as a joke because he actually dares to advocate for a better, fairer society, one where we're all treated as equal. Anyway, I'm getting off track here. This book is about addiction, specifically recovery from addiction. Russell thoroughly advocates the 12 steps as they saved him from a heroin addiction. He's been clean for almost 15 years. Personally, I'm addicted to just about anything a person can be! He looks at addiction from the stand point of it being symptomatic of an increasingly impersonal culture where we're viewed as consumers, as opposed to actual human beings. So even though my addictions wouldn't be considered severe or life-threatening, I plan to read it all and follow the steps.