Unseen by Karin Slaughter

Unseen - Karin Slaughter

For some reason I kept putting off reading this book. I think it was the fact that Detective Lena Adams was a chief character and for those of you that don’t know, Lena Adams featured heavily in the Grant County series, which I didn’t read. I needn’t have been put off by that though, because I liked her anyway. She’s the type of character I appreciate; one with flaws…and she had a lot! A flawed character makes for a better character in my book (lame pun, I know!) because they’re a bit more believable. I mean, none of us are perfect and it’s sometimes more interesting to see their reactions etc.


The book opens in Lena’s home where she’s considering a recent bust her and her team completed. Her husband, Jared, soon arrives home and we see that relations between them are strained, but as yet, we don’t know why. Pretty soon things take a bloody turn when Lena and Jared are attacked in their home. I won’t go on because I’m close to revealing spoilers, but the bust Lena was thinking of turn’s out to be a central theme, as does the reason for the tension between her and Jared.


This was the seventh book in the Will Trent series and one of the least gripping investigations. While it had its moments of tension, it wasn’t anywhere near as good as previous books in the series. While the investigation was intricate and well-handled, it was missing that edge that, during previous books, made me unwilling to put it down!


The structure didn’t feel as solid as in previous books either. It felt a bit stunted at times, going full throttle one moment, then abruptly halting.


As always I really loved reading about Will, who in this book, is for a large part undercover. Things were mostly in the present, with less exploration of his past life than in previous books. He and Sarah can be a little nauseating at times, in consideration of their romance, but it was nothing major. Sarah can be a little too perfect as well, but I generally didn’t mind her. She wasn’t as interesting as Lena though, by a long way!


I’d definitely recommend this series, so if you haven’t tried it you should...just don’t start with this book!!!